What is the Moment Library and how do I use it?

The Hovr Moment Library is your hub for data, providing a deeper look at your engagement, media views, and click-through metrics. 

From the Moment Library, you can click into any row to immediately make changes.

Don't see the engagement numbers you're looking for on a Moment? Click into that specific row, quickly adjust the Moment's styling, and optimize to attract the eyes of even more site visitors!

Is your average watch time looking a little low? Click into the row, re-trim your video to a more impactful segment, and you'll be on your way to increased watch time for that Moment!

Want to increase your CTR %? Click into the row's CTA columns, make adjustments to your CTA copy and/or destinations, and you're on your way!

From the Moment Library, you are able to set each Page as "Live" (green) or "Not Live" (red) on the Page header bar. This indicates whether or not your site visitors are able to view Moments on that Page. 

The Moment Library allows you to create a new Moment, filter/search existing Moments, or go to the On-Site Editor to further manage your Moments as well. 

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Have questions about how to get the most out of your Moment Library? Drop us a line at hello@gethovr.com.